Learn how to use Advanced Search to look up an individual's or entity's portfolio.
Did you know you can use Acres to conduct a portfolio search? In this demo, we'll show you how to use a tax address to find property owned by the same individual or entity in less than 90 seconds.
Note: This feature requires a subscription. If you need access, compare plans here and choose a subscription that works for you.
Step-by-Step Breakdown
- First, find a parcel you're interested in. Select the parcel, then click View More Details.
- This will display Parcel Details on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Copy the Owner's Address from the property details to your clipboard.
- Click Search in the left-hand menu.
- Filter by state or county if desired. Paste the Owner Address into the Owner Address Field.
- Results will populate in a dropdown menu. Select all relevant results.
- Click Search.
- This will show all associated properties on the screen, allowing you to select and save parcels from the search results.
Tip: To learn more about Advanced Search features, check out this article.