How does the water layer work?

Learn how to view water district information for selected parcels. Currently available in Nebraska and California.


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On the map’s left-hand toolbar, click Insights. Next, click Water.

Screenshot of the water insights highlighted on Acres

Select your state in the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of selecting a state.

Select a parcel on the map. The management district(s) overseeing your selection will then appear in the sidebar.

Screenshot of selecting a parcel on

California Water Layer Definitions

Tip: You can watch this video demo to see how the California water layer works.

Water Layer: Find the local agency responsible for the management and/or provision of water within the city or area.

SGMA Priority: The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) classifies basins as high, medium, low, or very low priority. Classification is based on components outlined in California Water Code Section 10933(b).

GSA: Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) exercise responsibility for groundwater management in prioritized basins. They are formed by counties, cities, and irrigation districts in basins classified as high or medium priority.

Adjudicated Basins: Areas not subject to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in which a court has ruled on legal rights to water within a basin, group of basins, or surrounding areas.

Nebraska Water Layer Definitions

Allocation: The amount of water that can be used for irrigation from the assigned well during an allocation period.

Flow Meter: A district-approved meter device that measures the quantity of groundwater withdrawn from a well when installed and maintained properly.

Groundwater Moratorium: Nebraska's groundwater moratorium was declared on July 14, 2004 and prohibits new wells from being drilled in specific sub-basins.