How do I search Land For Sale?

Learn how to find listings using Acres.

Find listings for the currently viewed area 

  1. With the map centered over an area you would like to research, click For Sale on the left navigation bar.
  2. You will see listings for the currently viewed area appear in a new panel on the left.

Find listings using filters 

  1. From any location on the map, click For Sale on the left navigation bar.
  2. Then select Filters.
  3. Enter in your desired search parameters and then click Apply.
  4. The map will recenter on the area with your search results and you will see filtered listings appear in a new menu on the left.

Viewing and Saving Listings

  • Selecting a listing from the menu will provide detailed information about it such as price ratio, tillable acres, the list agent and the source for the listing on Acres.
  • The Go to Pin option will zoom in the map over the listing.
  • The Save Listing option will save the listing to Saved Listings when view your Portfolio.
  • You can also add the listing to your current Selections and then click Share > Copy Selections Link.
  • There is also a Contact Agent button if you would like to reach out directly to the agent.