Acres Release Notes: 6/20/2023

Changing .co to .com, KML exports, Advanced Search enhancements, and more!

We've got some exciting updates coming your way with Acres! We're thrilled to announce new features that will enhance your experience, including a name change to, KML exports, and improvements to Advanced Search. Here's a sneak peek:

The Big "M": Will Become

Acres is growing, and so is our name. We're proud to announce we're adding the "m" to our domain. Welcome to!

Note: will redirect to, but it's a good idea to update your bookmarks.

From CLU to FSA

To avoid confusion about FSA boundaries, we've replaced the term "CLU" with "FSA." It's the same data, just a more straightforward name.

At the top of the screen, CLU is now called FSA.

KML Exports Now Available

For our Enterprise users, we have big news. You can now export KML/KMZ files. It's a great way to use your selection data in other tools.

This feature works for parcel selections, custom selections, and FSA boundaries.

To learn more and book an Enterprise demo, visit the Enterprise page.

In the selection panels, click the overflow menu to select Export to KML.

Shareable Sales Data

Exciting news! You can now easily share sales data with others. It's as simple as opening the Sold Land layer, selecting a sale, and clicking the Share button. However, keep in mind that the person receiving the shared link will need to have an account to view the sale. If the sale is from our Enterprise database, an Enterprise account is required.

Select a sale and click share for a shareable link.

Advanced Search Just Got Better

Advanced Search now shows all results instead of just 100. You can see everything matching your search and refine it further. Plus, the results are paginated for easy navigation.

We're thrilled to bring these updates and enhancements your way. We hope you enjoy them and continue to have a great experience with Acres. Keep an eye out for future release notes here in the Knowledge Base.

Tip: Don't have access to Advanced Search? You can try it for free with a 7-day trial of Acres Premium.

Advanced search now displays all results with the ability to click through pages.