How do I measure an area on the map?

Learn how to use the Draw Shape tool to measure an area or line on the map.

First, search for a property or zoom into the area you would like to work on.

Then, select Add Shape > Draw Shape

Screenshot of, with "Draw Shape" drop down open.

This will give you several drawing options, including a Polygon, Rectangle, or Pivot. If the eye is crossed out next to Measurements, click to make measurements viewable.

Tip: The Polygon tool is selected by default and allows you to draw a line or custom shapes on the map. 

Choose a shape.

Draw a line or shape on the map. This will display the measurement in feet.

Screenshot of drawing a line on

After you finish your shape, click on the shape to display the perimeter in feet. You can also hover your mouse over an individual line to display the length of that line.

Screenshot of clicking on a shape and displaying perimeter in feet.