How do I filter for sales data?

Learn how to use sales data filters to quickly find relevant comparable sales across the US.

Enterprise subscribers have access to advanced sales filters to narrow down results by specific criteria and find relevant comparable sales faster. This article will explain how to utilize each filter option.

A Few Basics

You can combine multiple filter settings to narrow your search.

To apply your filter settings and view results, click Apply.

You can always return to your filter settings to make changes. You can also click Clear All Filters to remove all filter settings from your search and start over.

Sales Ranges

You can set sales ranges by Price Per Acre, Total Acres, Sale Date, or a combination of these settings.

To do so, simply type in a minimum and maximum for any of the text boxes provided.

To choose a date range, you can also click on the calendar icon and then select a date.

You can find price per acre, total acres, and sale date filters under the Sale Rangers section.


The location filters allow you to search by State, County, or Water District (in California and Nebraska).

You can select an option from one of the dropdown menus or type in the location, which will allow you to jump to the correct menu option.


Narrow your search by state, county, or water district using the dropdown menus.


The soil filters allow you to search by soil index and a soil score range.

To select a state-specific soil index, you must select the state under location filters first.

Choose a state specific score, like CSR2, which is selected here.

Crop Type

To find sales results by crop type, select a crop type from the Crop dropdown menu or type a crop type-in to jump to that result.

Next, select a year or type in a year in the drop Year drop down.

Select a crop and year from the dropdown menu.

Filter By Shape

To designate a specific area on the map, you can use the Filter By Shape tool.

Select a Polygon to draw your own shape, or use the Rectangle or Radius tool to draw on the map.

When you hit Apply, it will filter the results within the boundaries you drew.

Screenshot of filter screen on Acres