How do I use DeedAI?

Learn how to plot a deed manually or with AI.

You can use Acres to plot deeds either manually, or use AI to read deed text and automatically input calls.

This features is available with Enterprise! Request a demo with our team to learn more.

Get Started

Click Boundary Tools > DeedAI to open the deed plotting tool.

Note: If you do not already have a saved map open, you can click the +New Map button to quickly create a new saved map.

Plotting Points with AI Autofill

  1. To get started, you will need to manually plot your start point by clicking a location on the map.
  2. To plot calls automatically, click the AI Autofill button and simply paste the text from your deed into the empty Deed Text field.
  3. Click the Run button.
  4. Allow some time for the text to be processed and then check the accuracy of the plotted points. Need to make changes? We'll go over how you can easily edit calls in the next section.

Note: For deeds which cover multiple boundaries, paste in the calls for only one boundary at a time.

Add Calls and Plot Points Manually

  1. To get started you will need to manually plot your first point.
  2. Click the Add Call button for each entry you would like to create. Each column allows you to easily make changes to individual calls:
    1. If you need to exclude the first call, click the number 1 in the first column to exclude it from the main boundary. It will turn into an asterisk to indicate it has been excluded.
    2. You can click the Type box to toggle between calls for straight or curved lines.
    3. Click the N/S and E/W boxes to toggle between the appropriate direction in the call.
    4. Type the applicable values into the Angle and Distance fields to create the call.
3. You can create another group of calls by selecting +New Group.
    1. Calls can be rearranged by clicking the number and then dragging up or down.

4. Once you have completed your calls, if your shape is not fully closed you can either leave it open, or you can click the Finish button to auto-calculate and add the final call needed to close the shape. (This button will be greyed out until you have at least two calls.)

Tip: Your progress will automatically save to your saved map as you work! You can always come back later to finish or make edits.

Completion, Exporting and Deed Reports

You can either export the completed shape as a KML by clicking the Export KML button, or you can create a report by clicking the Deed Report button > choose between the map view or black and white view. The report will be sent to your account email address when it is ready.

Map View vs. Black & White View:
