Acres Release Notes 10/24/24

The latest release includes a new quick measure tool, printable area maps, and more!

Printable Area Maps

Just need a map? You can now create a printable aerial map as a PDF. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Make a Selection on the map, click Create Report, and choose Aerial Map.
  • Drag the map to adjust the view. Anything within the green box will be part of the map.
  • The Aerial Map works with Insight layers, custom maps, and owner names turned on.
  • These reports will be emailed to you like other reports.

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Quick Measure in Embeds

The measure tool is now available in map embeds. Click the ruler icon to try it out below!

Portfolio Report Center

Enterprise subscribers can now view generated reports in the Report Center. This new dashboard makes it easy to find and filter all the reports you've generated on Acres.

  • Includes all PDF reports, CSV exports, and mailing lists, whether or not they are associated with a Saved Map.
  • Includes key details, like Status, Created By, and Created On date at a glance.
  • Search, filter, and table sorting features make it easy to quickly find what you're looking for.
  • Allows you to download, rename, and delete existing files.

Asset 8@4xA Few Small Updates

  • You can now create multiple lines of text when using the Text customization.
  • Points with attached photos now display a photo icon so you can easily tell which points have photos.
  • When using the measure tool, you no longer have to worry about clicking on a boundary and being zoomed into the map.